Career Prediction by date of birth is a Very important Part of Astrology. If you do not choose a Suitable Career, You will face problem in your professional Life. You will not Get Success and Satisfaction Easily. So, today, I am going to discuss about profession from the astrological point of view.
We can divide the Career Astrology or Kundali Reading for Career in Two Part-
- Selecting the Correct Career
- Success in Career
But Career Prediction is not an easy task. There were a few numbers of professions in the past and they are- Doctor, Engineer, Judge or Lawyer, Teacher etc. But Now Career Options are much more than earlier days. The Below Picture will explain How difficult it is to predict Proper career from Kundali. It has Many Layer which we have to interpret one by One.
So in the 1st Step of Career Prediction we have to See Whether Job or Business Which is More Suitable.
Job or Business as Per Astrology
It is a Very Common question which people often ask, Whether He should a Job or Business ?
Some People Go for Job and feel Satisfied in Job. But Some people does not feel Satisfied in Job. So even if they Start career with Job, After Some time they Go for Business. Your Horoscope and Planetary Combination in the Horoscope will indicate Job or Business, which is Most Suitable for You.
If Your Horoscope is Strong and Maximum Planets are well placed in both Natal Chart as well as other Divisional Charts, You Should Go for Business. Otherwise, Job is Most Suitable for you.
The 6th House is the Main House for Job and 7th house is the Main House for Business. If 6th house is Stronger, You Will be more Successful in Job and if 7th house is Stronger, You will be more Successful in Business.
If the 10th Lord and 10th House is connected with 6th house or 6th Lord, Job is Suitable for you. But if 10th Lord or 10th house is connected with 3rd or 7th Lord or house, Business Will be better for you.
Apart from this, You have to Check the Dasha and Transit also. Dasha of Planets n the 3rd house, 11th house and 7th house is Good for Business.
You can Read our Detail Article about Business Astrology to Know All the combinations for Business.
Main house for Career Prediction
The 10th house and its lord are the chief factors to check for career or profession. 10th house is related to our work and Profession. 10th house is the most active houses in a chart. It is Part of Artha Trikon.
2nd House Should also be checked After 10th house. This indicates our Family resource, Accumulation of Money.
6th house indicates Job. So If you are a Salaried Employee, you need to check 6th house also. 6th house also indicates Competition, Hard Work, Daily Routine etc.
11th House is the House of Success and Gain. So without the help of 11th house, Success in Career is difficult.
7th house Should be checked if you are in Business or Self employment.
So for Career in Job we have to check 2nd house, 6th house, 10th house and 11th house of your Horoscope.
Career in Business we have to check 2nd house, 7th house, 10th house and 11th house of your Horoscope.
Role of Planets in Career Astrology
In Career Prediction, the 10th house should be checked with Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn.
Sun Represents physical vitality and health. If you are physically and mentally strong, you will be able to achieve Success.
Mercury indicates Speech, intelligence, Expression etc. It also signifies Nervous System. For Success in Career you Should be Good in all these and Should be diplomatic as well.
Jupiter indicates Wisdom and Wealth. If we need a strong Bank Balance from our work, we need a Strong Jupiter. Wisdom of Jupiter is always needed to reach a Proper Judgement.
Saturn is the Natural Significator of Profession. Saturn Rules the 10th house Capricorn of Natural Zodiac. Saturn Will give you ability to do Hard work, Perseverance.
To make your profession happy and joyful, these planets should not be debilitated or weak in the Navamsa.
There should not be any debilitated, afflicted or enemy planet in the 10th house. If there is any Weak Planet in the 10th house, you have to face difficulty or not get the desired success, achievement, name and fame.
Now Lets Discuss about Different Career option Indicated Different Planets
Sun: Medicine, Administrative Work, Govt Job, chemist, Politics etc
Moon: Hotel Management, Navy, Shipping corporation, Human Resource, Nursing, Govt Job, Social Service etc
Mars: Police, Army, Surgeon, Cost Accountant, Engineering etc.
Mercury: Banking Sector, Any kind of Financial Sector, Journalism, Editors, Lawyer, Marketing etc.
Jupiter: Teaching, Lectureship, Judge, Spiritual Guru, Trainer, Public Speaking, Public Relationship etc.
Saturn: Steel and Iron Industry, Business Management, Low profile Job, Mining etc.
Venus: Music, Art, Painting, Designing, Acting, Any kind of Creative work, Medicine etc
Ketu: Research Oriented work, Pharma or Medicine, Electronics or Computer Engineering etc
So far We discussed different Profession as per different Planet. Now We will discuss few combinations to understand Career from Kundali.
Career Prediction by Date of birth from Planets in the 10th house
As We have discussed that the Planets in the 10th house Will directly influence our Profession and Our Career. So Now Lets Discuss about the Influence of different Planet in the 10th house of your Horoscope.
Career Prediction Sun in 10th house
Sun in 10th house is a Very Auspicious Placement as Sun gets Directional Strength. It will Give you Authority, Position and Status in your Career. Sun in 10th house is good for a Career in Govt Organisation. It can give you Profession Like Administrator, Doctor, Project Management, Politician etc.
You Should Read Our Detail Article about the Effect of Sun in 10th house to Know More.
Career Astrology Moon in 10th house
Moon in 10th house Will give you Lot of changes in your Career. You will Travel a lot due to your work. It is also good for State Level Government Job. If Moon is Strong, it will give you Very Good Success in Glamour Industry. It can give you profession Like Doctor, Human resource, Sales and Marketing, Makeup Artist, Human Resource etc.
Career Astrology Mars in 10th house
Mars in 10th house is a Good Placement for Career. Mars Gets Directional Strength in 10th house and Hence Becomes Very Strong. It will make you very Careerist and Ambitious. Mars in 10th house can give you Career in Army, Police, Engineering or Anything Related to Machine, Administrative Work etc.
You Should Read Our Detail Article about the Effect of Mars in 10th house to Know More.
Career Astrology Mercury in 10th house
Mercury in the 10th house will give you intellectual Profession. If Mercury is connected with 7th house or 7th Lord, it is also good for Self employment or business. The 10th House Mercury can give you profession Like Marketing, Mass communication and Journalism, Lawyer, Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant, Economist etc.
You Should Read Our Detail Article about the Effect of Mercury in 10th house to Know More.
Career Prediction in Astrology Jupiter in 10th house
Jupiter in the 10th house is generally not considered Good. It will make you honest and you will be interested for any Noble Profession. But Jupiter in 10th house can not take you to the Highest Position in Your Career Alone. Jupiter in 10th house can give you profession Like Teaching, Lecturership, Trainer, Consultant, Judge etc.
You Should Read Our Detail Article about the Effect of Jupiter in 10th house to Know More.
Career Prediction in Astrology Venus in 10th house
Many Celebrity are Born with Venus in 10th house. This is a Good Placement for a Successful career. Venus is the Planet of Creativity. So Venus in 10th house can give you Career in Acting, Modeling, Painting, Fashion Designing, Graphics Designing, Financial Sector, Public Relationship etc.
You Should Read Our Detail Article about the Effect of Venus in 10th house to Know More.
Career Astrology Saturn in 10th house
Saturn in 10th house is Good if it is Strong. It can Give you Very Good Success in your Profession. But Saturn is the Planet of Delay. So Success in Career will come with some delay. Saturn in the 10th house can give you Career in Business Management, Lawyer, Steel and Mining Industry, Hard Working and Low Profile Job etc.
You Should Read Our Detail Article about the Effect of Saturn in 10th house to Know More.
How to Predict Profession in Astrology in 10th house Sign
The Sign in the 10th house is also am important factor for the Career prediction by date of birth.
In Indian Astrology Signs Are 4 Types- Airy, Watery, Fiery, Earthy Sign.
Airy Sign– Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are Airy Sign. These are intellectual Sign. If your 10th house is Airy Sign, it is Good for intellectual Profession or Career in Planning, Education, Research, Creative work, Writer, philosopher etc.
Watery Sign– Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Watery Signs. So When your 10th house has Watery Signs, Professions related with Hospitals, Salesmanship, Navy, Pharmacy etc will be very Suitable for you. If your have most of the planets in the watery Signs, you will change your job quite frequently.
Fiery Sign– Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are Fiery Sign. These Signs are good for execution of any work. So when your 10th house has Fiery Sign, you can choose a Career in Police, Army, Engineering, Heavy industry etc. When You have most of the planets in the Fiery Signs, You will progress in Career by your own Hard work.
Earthy Sign– Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn are earthy Sign. These Signs are good for any Routine work. So if your 10th house has Earthy Signs, You can select a career in Agriculture, farming, clerical job, Business, Financial sector etc. If Earthy Signs are very prominent in your chart, you will earn through Profession where physical Labour is needed.
Kundali Reading for Career
The placement of Sun in 10th house and the relation with its lord is checked to make the prediction about your status and influence.
Respect, affection or prestige in profession are predicted from the placement and relation of the Saturn with 10th house and its lord.
You should check the placement of Jupiter in 10th house and the 10th lord to predict the Prestige in career prediction.
The placement of Mercury in 10th house and its lord Should be checked to make prediction about Business, Communication in Workplace, Co-workers.
To make prediction on the materialistic gain and its happiness, we should check the placement of Venus in 10th house and the 10th lord.
For mental balance, adjustment and promotion in profession, we should check the placement of Moon/Sun in the house and the 10th lord as well.
How to Predict Career by Date of Birth in Astrology
- Strength of 10th House
If the 10th house is weak, then the improvement and prosperity in life will be less.
- Strength of 10th Lord
If the 10th lord is debilitated, afflicted or eclipsed or in enemy sign, then it is considered inauspicious for gain.
If the 10th lord is conjunct with malefic planets such as 6th, 8th or the 12th lord, then a regular or systematic growth in profession cannot be possible. There will be ups and downs in business.
- Influence of 6th, 8th and 12th Lord In Your Profession
If the 12th lord is Strongly placed in 10th house, then it will create chances to for job in foreign land.
If the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th house are exalted or in own sign, then it will create Vipreet Rajyoga and give you success, but after a lot of hard times.
If the 6th lord is connected with 10th house or its lord, possibility of job is High.
- Sun in 10th House Career Prediction
The Sun in the 10th house gives you reputation, awards, status, help from govt. etc. You will get helped by the govt. for a number of times in your life. It is also good for Leadership Role.
Sun in the 10th house is good for Government Job also.
- Venus in 10th House Career Astrology
The planet Venus in 10th house is considered good. If the Venus is retrograde in 10th house, then it will be much better. It can make you a reputed Public relation officer.
Venus in 10th house will give you Inclination for Creative Work.
- Malefic Planets in 10th house
In career astrology, malefic Planets in 10th house is considered good. But it can sometimes give strength to the house and professional success to you.
- Mars in 10th House Career Prediction
Mars in 10th house gets the directional strength. Mars in 10th house will give you an extraordinary administrative skill. It is a Very Good Placement for Your Career.
- Saturn in 10th House Career Reading
Saturn in the 10th house is not considered good. It can Delay your Success in Professional Life. But if you want, you can be a good politician, Lawyer.
Now Lets Discuss The Role of Navamsa chart in Career Prediction. When you Divide the Horoscope in 9 equal parts, We will get Navamsa Kundali. You Should Study the Navamsa with your Main Birth chart during career Prediction by date of birth.
If You do not Know What is Navamsa, You Should read our Article about it.
The 10th Lord is the Most important Planet for your Career. The Navamsa which 10th Lord Occupies is Very Important. For example you are born with Aries Ascendant. your 10th House is Capricorn and your 10th Lord Saturn is in Sagittarius Sign in Navamsa Chart. So the Ruler of Sagittarius i.e. Jupiter will be very important for your Career.
If the Lord of the Navamsa Occupied by the 10th Lord is Saturn, It can give you profession Related to Law, Judiciary, Business management, Hard working Job, Construction work etc.
If the Lord of the Navamsa Occupied by the 10th Lord is Sun, This is a good placement for Profession related to Medicine or Healthcare Sector, Administrative Work, Government Job.
If the Lord of the Navamsa Occupied by the 10th Lord is Moon, You can have a Career in Nursing, Medicine, State Govt Job, Sales and Marketing etc is Suitable for this Placement.
If the Lord of the Navamsa Occupied by the 10th Lord is Mars, Profession Related to Police, Army, Surgeon, Chartered Accountant, Engineering etc will be Suitable for you.
If the Lord of the Navamsa Occupied by the 10th Lord is Mercury Profession Related to Software Engineering, Lawyer, Journalism etc will be Suitable for you.
If the Lord of the Navamsa Occupied by the 10th Lord is Venus, It will give you profession like Modeling, Acting, Any other creative work, Financial Planning etc.
If the Lord of the Navamsa Occupied by the 10th Lord is Jupiter, Profession like Management Consultant, Teaching, Lectureship, Spiritual Teacher etc will be Good for you.
The Strength of 10th Lord in Navamsa Chart is also very important. If the 10th Lord is Debilitated or Afflicted or in Enemy Sign in Navamsa, it will create problem in your Career.
If the 10th Lord is in 6th or 8th or 12th house from Navamsa Lagna, it will also Create Problem in Your Career.
The Planets in the 10th House of Navamsa chart also indicates About your Profession.
Role of D10 chart in Career Prediction by date of birth
Dashamsa Chart or D10 chart is a Divisional Chart Prepared from Main Birth Chart or Rashi chart Specifically for Minute analysis of Profession or Career in Astrology. Without Checking the D10 chart, We can not come into any conclusion regarding profession or Career.
The Most Important Divisional Chart for Career Prediction is D10 chart. The Planets in the Ascendant and 10th house of D10 chart will have a Big Role in Career Selection as well as Success in Career.
You Should Read my Article on How to Read D10 chart for in depth Understanding.
The D10 ascendant Lord is very important planet. If this planet is well placed in the birth chart then the native gets success and progress in profession. The 10th Lord of D1 chart Should be well placed in the D10 chart for a Smooth Career.
If the 10th Lord of D10 chart is in 6th house, 11th house or Ascendant of D10 chart, it is highly Auspicious. Planets in the 10th house of D10 chart and 1st House of D10 chart can give you profession as per the Career Signified by the Planet.
Many people Prdict Career and Profession without Checking the D10 chart. But We Understand the Important and That is Why During Our Career Consultation we always Give the D10 chart equal Importance.
Steps to follow for Career prediction by date of birth
- check the Planets in the 10th house
- Check the placement of 10th Lord
- Check the Nakshatra of the 10th Lord
- Check the Navamsa Sign of 10th Lord
- Check the planets in the 10th house of D10 chart
- Check the Placement of 10th Lord in D10 chart
- Check the Planets in the Lagna of the D10 chart
After considering all these factors, We can conclude about the Most Suitable profession.
Career in Private Job or Govt Job Prediction As Per Astrology
Now Lets Discuss Whether Govt Job or Private Job Which is Best as Per your chart.
For Government Job Sun and Moon are Two Most Important Planet. If the indication of Service Career is present in your horoscope and Sun or Moon is in the 10th house or conjunct with 10th Lord, It can give you Success in Govt Job. If the Strength of Sun and Moon is very High in your chart, It is also good for Govt Job.
Sun and Saturn conjunction is good for Govt Job. Saturn-Moon conjunction is also Good for this.
If the 10th Lord is in the Navamsa of Sun or Moon, it will enhance the possibility of Government Job.
You Should Read my Detail Article on Government Job Combination in Horoscope.
6th Lord in 10th house, 10th Lord and 6th Lord Conjunction are Good combination for Govt Job.
Planets Like Venus, Rahu, Mercury etc are important Planets for Working in Private Sector. When 10th house is occupied by Rahu, Venus or Mercury, it is good for Success in Private Job. If the 10th lord is conjunct with these Planets or is in the star of 10th Lord, It is also good for Private Job.
Rahu in the 10th house is good for working with Foreign Organisation or MNC. If the 12th Lord is in 10th house, it is also good for Working in Foreign Organisation.
So After Checking the chart you have to Analyze which Combinations are stronger and Prominent. You need to check the D10 chart as well.
Now Lets Discuss Astrological Combination for some Prominent Career
Journalism or Mass-communication Career in Astrology from Horoscope
For a profession Like Journalism, Good Writing skill is very important. In Astrology 3rd house and Mercury Signify Writing Skill.
The 3rd House is the most important House and Mercury is the most important planet for Mass communication or Journalism. Jupiter also Plays a Supporting Role. If Mercury and Jupiter is in the 10th house and 10th Lord is in 3rd House, You can Select a Career in Journalism.
If 3rd Lord and 10th Lord is involved in Sign exchange or Nakshatra exchange or 10th Lord is in the Navamsa of Mercury or Jupiter, Mercury is in the 10th house of D10 chart or in the Lagna of D10 chart etc. These combinations should be checked properly for Journalism Career prediction by date of birth.
The 10th Lord in 5th house or 9th house with Jupiter and Mercury in an Airy Sign is also a good Astrological Combination for Journalism.
Any good Relation between 3rd House, 5th house and 10th house is a Strong Astrological Combination for becoming a Journalist.
Medical profession through astrology
The Significator for Medical Profession is Sun, Mars and Venus. So these Planets Should be checked with Jupiter in the Horoscope. Involvement of 6th house, 8th house and 12th house is also essential. So Involvement of these Houses with Sun or Mars or Venus in 10th house or with 10th Lord is Good for Medical Profession.
I have written a Detail Article on all the Astrological combination for becoming Doctor. You can read it for All the Yogas in detail.
Astrological Combination for Engineering or technical Work
Mars and Saturn is important Planet for Engineering and technical work. If the 10th Lord is in 11th house with Mars, it will Give you a Profession in Technical work.
Saturn and Mars conjunction in the 10th house is also good for Engineering Career. If Mars and Saturn is in 4-10 Relation, it is also good for Engineering Career.
Apart from Saturn and Mars, We need to check the 8th house and 6th house for Engineering Career prediction by date of birth.
IAS/IPS Career prediction in Astrology
Civil Service or Profession Like IAS or IPS comes under Govt Job. So your chart Should have a Strong Yoga for Govt Job. Involvement of 6th house, 10th house and 11th house is Very much Necessary for this.
For Civil Service or Administrative work 6th and 8th house is Very Important. 8th house is the 11th house from 10th house. So this indicates very High Position in career. For Kundali Reading for IAS/IPS Career, Special Importance Should be given to 8th house.
Sun, Saturn and Moon Should be exceptionally Strong in your chart. Sun Should not be Debilitated or Afflicted by Rahu in Rashi chart or Navamsa chart.
Apart from this Your D10 chart Should be very Strong as well. Lagna Lord of D10 chart and 10th Lord of D10 chart Should be conjunct and Strong.
There are Many More Combination for IAS/IPS which we need to Check in the Career Kundali.
Astrological Combination for becoming Lawyers in Astrology
For Becoming Lawyer, You need a Strong Mercury and Strong 2nd House. For a Lawyer the ability to Argue and debate plays a Very Vital Role. Mercury and Second House gives the ability to Argue and debate.
5th House Gives the Intelligence. 6th house is the House of Litigation. 11th house is the House of Success.
So When Mercury, 2nd Lord, 6th lord, 5th Lord and 11th Lord Makes a connection in the 10th house or With 10th Lord, it can give you a Profession in Legal Field.
For a Career in Judiciary or Becoming Judge, Jupiter Plays a Vital Role. Jupiter, Saturn and Sun are Most Important Planet for Becoming Judge.
Apart from the Above Mentioned Combinations for Various Professions, We Should not Ignore the Running Dasha during the time of Career Prediction by Date of Birth. If the Dasha is not Suitable, We will not get Desired Result.
If We Choose a proper Career, it will be easier for us to Achieve Success in our Life. We All have Some inherent Skills and If we Align Our Goals With our Abilities, Getting Success becomes easier.
So to Conclude We can Say that Many Prediction about Career Can be Made from Kundali prepared by Date of birth and time. All the Houses and Planets of Horoscope Should be properly Checked Along with Divisional Chart.
If you face any problem in Checking your Chart, you can Avail Our online Astrological consultation.